O Livrinho do Apocalipse – Pd. Valdete


Padrinho Valdete

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This book includes the Hinário O Livrinho do Apocalipse, The Little Book of the Apocalypse, hymns received by Padrinho Valdete Mota de Melo.

About Padrinho Valdete:

Valdete Mota de Melo was born in 1947 in Seringal Adélia, the eldest son of Padrinho Sebastião and Madrinha Rita. Valdete is a simple man with plenty of energy and dedication, guidance and joy, and holds many memories and much wisdom of the doctrine of the Santo Daime. Valdete divides his time between Mapiá and agricultural projects in Rio Purus. His Hinário brings a poetic and simple quality full of prophecy, discipline and revelation.